The Magic of the Soul Light Pictures
It is a striking fact, that time and again a Soul Light Picture emerges - and a little bit later, it shows up in another form, for example in a photo.
"Janina paints the future into existence. Her paintings come to be in the physical."
Kassia Golden, intuitive, globally recognized business/personal consultant
Late spring 2021: "Freedom" - detail
Freedom and lightness: Marked by the long lockdown and
travel restrictions with no prospect of loosening, the above
image emerges as a joy-filled equilibrium.
Early summer 2021 - 2 weeks later
Due to unexpected changes in the Corona regulations, a trip to Assisi in Italy became possible a little later, very short dated and completely unplanned. With astonishment I discover, that there is a statue of St. Francis of Assisi in the monastery 'Eremo delle Carceri', which in its design shows amazing parallels to the picture "Freedom". Even the birds (an unprecedented element in a Soul Light Picture) sit on Francis' shoulder.
June 2016: Sketch/First Version of the "Magdalena of Mercy with the sheltering cloak"
June 2016: Without knowing the picture that has just been created, this photo occures on the other hemisphere of the earth in Vermont/USA.
Photo: Joanne Delabruere.
2013/2018: "Mary Magdalene II - Light Portal", futher evolved version of 2018; the first version showed up already in 2013.
October 2019: View out of a window in the Himalayan Mountains in India.
Foto: Peter Köninger
August 2019: "Fairy of Fire and Dragons" - the first Soul Light Picture that includes so many different colours.
September 2019: A dress that my SoulSister Kassia took with her from a thrift store, without knowing the "Fairy of Fire and Dragons" and although such a multi-coloured dress actually isn't her style.
August 2019: "Diamond of the sun"
September 2019: A most beautiful backlight shot in the Black Forest/Germany with colours and a pattern, I've never seen before in a backlight photo.
Photo: Irmgard Roth